written by Ian Geddes
So many of our clients, no matter how successful they may be in business or relationships, admit to feelings of lack of confidence and self-belief. Firstly, we look at ourselves and try to work out who we are.
Secondly, we need to be aware of how we project ourselves to the big outside world: the internal and the external.
Internally, self-confidence comes from an understanding of our values, strengths, skills, interests and experiences. Accept that you are unique. It is always helpful to make a list of all of your unique qualities.
Externally, confidence comes from how we look and act and our self-awareness of the image that we project. If we look good and sound good, we will feel good.
Here are my top ten tips for increased confidence and self-belief:
· avoid negative people and situations and be positive
· be content with self is vital, and accept who you are
· respect yourself, and others will respect you
· share your enthusiasm and experiences with others
· surround yourself with positive people
· pay close attention to your image and how others see you
· always be kind to yourself and regularly reward yourself
· choose what is right for you
· be aware of your strengths and skills and use those you enjoy
· no one is better than you
So, if you are ready to make that change and you wish to improve your self-esteem and confidence, then a life coach can help.