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Anxiety and Depression

Writer's picture: Ian Geddes and Susan ChanIan Geddes and Susan Chan

By Susan Chan and Ian Geddes

We are living in chaotic times. The World Health Organisation predicted a few years ago that we should expect a rise in mental health issues, with anxiety and depression extending through our communities, affecting both young and old. It now appears that the legacy of COVID has indeed had that impact on us and our children. For many of us, that leads to acute anxiety and depression.

So, what are the signs of depression?

Signs of depression can include loss of interest in everyday activities, social withdrawal, feeling deep sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, guilt, tearfulness, extremes in mood, poor concentration, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, erratic eating, loss of libido, physical aches, and pains, and in really severe cases, paranoia. So, ‘pull yourself together’.... no, that does not work. When you are anxious or depressed, you cannot just ‘snap’ out of it.

There are some steps that you can take today:

·          Pay attention to the warning signs mentioned above

·          Seek help and support

·          Challenge negative thoughts and seek out positive people

·          Manage your emotions in an appositive manner

·          Talk to a friend, keep in touch, and stay connected

·          Exercise the body

·          Explore techniques for relaxation, such as a body scan or visualisation

·          Establish and try to keep to a routine, such as eating, sleeping, exercise

·          Set yourself simple and positive targets

Susan Chan @New Horizons has a arrange of supportive audio downloads to help you through these difficult times:

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